
About Me

Hello and welcome. I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland Baltimore County or UMBC as most people would know it. My interests range from tinkering with different types of hardware devices to designing boards and interfacing components and peripherals. If you are interested in knowing more about me, here is a link to my resume.


More on my research is available here.


I had the opportunity to teach two courses at UMBC. The CMPE 310 course had its own website and is accessible below. The CMSC 313 course was hosted on a private blackboard forum.


  1. Deepak Krishnankutty, Zheng Li, Ryan Robucci, Nilanjan Banerjee, Chintan Patel,``Instruction Sequence Identification and Disassembly Using Power Supply Side-Channel Analysis'' in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Nov. 2020
  2. Tracie Severson, Erick J. Rodríguez-Seda, Brien Croteau, Deepak Krishnankutty, Kiriakos Kiriakidis, Chintan Patel, Nilanjan Banerjee, Ryan Robucci, ``Trust-Based Framework for Resilience to Sensor-Targeted Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems'' in 2018 IEEE American Control Conference, Jun 2018.
  3. Brien Croteau, Deepak Krishnankutty, Kiriakos Kiriakidis, Tracie Severson, Chintan Patel, Ryan Robucci, Erick Rodriguez-Seda, Nilanjan Banerjee, ``Cross-level Detection Framework for Attacks on Cyber-Physical System'' in Journal of Hardware and Systems Security, Springer International Publishing, Nov 2017.
  4. Brien Croteau, Deepak Krishnankutty, Ryan Robucci, Chintan Patel, Nilanjan Banerjee, Kiriakos Kiriakidis, Tracie Severson, Erick Rodriguez-Seda, ``Cross-level detection of sensor-based deception attacks on cyber-physical system'' in CYBER, Jul 2017.
  5. Deepak Krishnankutty, Ryan Robucci, Nilanjan Banerjee, and Chintan Patel, ``FISCAL: Firmware Identification Using Side-Channel Power Analysis'', 2017 IEEE 35th VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), April 2017.
  6. Sushmita Kadiyala Rao, Deepak Krishnankutty, Ryan Robucci, Nilanjan Banerjee, and Chintan Patel, ``Post-Layout Estimation of Side-Channel Power Supply Signature'' in Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), McLean, VA, USA, May 2015.
  1. Brien Croteau, Deepak Krishnankutty,``Cyber-Physical Security Research at Umbc's Eclipse Lab'' in ASME. Mechanical Engineering. March 2017; 139(03): S18–S23.